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🛠️ What is OpenDevin?

What is OpenDevin?

The OpenDevin is a free, open-source tool that lets users assign tasks to an AI software engineer and see real-time progress as the AI completes it using available tools.

How to Setup OpenDevin?

  • Step 1: Pull the latest sandbox image:
docker pull
  • Step 2: Clone the github repository by running the following command:
git clone
  • Step 3: Navigate to the folder containing the repository by running:
cd opendevin

Step 4: Copy config.toml.template to config.toml. Add an OpenAI API key to the config.toml


Step 5: Start the backend

python -m pip install pipenv
python -m pipenv install -v
python -m pipenv shell
uvicorn opendevin.server.listen:app --port 3000
  • Step 6: Start the frontend

Open a new terminal & execute the below commands:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

You'll see OpenDevin user interface running on http://localhost:3001/ where you can interact with the tool.

User Interface

  • Left Side: Task input area. Here you tell the AI what to do.
  • Right side: Terminal, planner, code editor, and browser. The AI uses these to work on your task.

Working With OpenDevin

Type in a natural language task in the left side panel (e.g., "create a Python program to print first 50 numbers") & watch it work. You can observe the progress in the right side panels (terminal, code editor, etc.)

Using different LLM Models

OpenDevin use LiteLLM, so you can run it with any foundation model, including OpenAI, Claude, and Gemini. LiteLLM has a full list of providers. To change the model, set the LLM_MODEL and LLM_API_KEY in config.toml.

Important Notes:

  • Alpha Version: May not be perfect, especially for complex tasks.
  • Model Matters: The quality of the output depends on the AI model being used.
